John Kanaka


I heard, I heard the Old Man say,
  John Kanaka-naka, tulai-e!
Today, today is a holiday,
  John Kanaka-naka, tulai-e!
  Tulai-e, ooh! tulai-e!
  John Kanaka-naka, tulai-e!

We'll work tomorrow, but no work today,
We'll work tomorrow, but no work today.

We're bound away for 'Frisco Bay,
We're bound away at the break o' day.

We're bound away around Cape Horn,
We wish to Christ we'd niver bin born.

A Yankee ship with a Yankee crew,
Oh, we're the buckos fer ter push 'er through.

A Yankee ship with a Yankee mate,
If yer stop ter walk he'll change yer gait.

Oh, haul away, oh!, haul away!
Oh, haul away, an' make yer pay!